In this economy, who can you blame for shopping around and trying to find the best price for auto insurance? The problem is without having an agent to shop that market for you, the coverage that you purchase through the online market or 800 numbers may not be adequate to cover you and your family from financial hardships. Saving $20 a month could cost you thousands if you are underinsured. For example, a 44 year old married man the liability cost for $15,000 Bodily injury per person/$30,000 total per accident may run $179 every six months. If he raised this coverage to $50,000 per person bodily injury /$100,000 per accident the premium is $197 every six months. Is an additional $70,000 worth $3 per month? Most customers would say yes, but without an agent showing them people will find themselves underinsured and quit possible paying out of their own pockets for an accident if the limits they purchased we not adequate. It is o.k. to shop for price, but I recommend that you use a professional agent who can show you all the numbers and let you decide what’s best for your family.
Andy Morris
Wildomar Insurance Agency
32395 Clinton Keith Rd, Suite A208
Wildomar, CA 92595
21 years serving the community